Protecting Your Family And Future

Helping children deal with the reality of divorce

On Behalf of | May 12, 2020 | Divorce |

Telling children that their parents will no longer be together has to be one of the most difficult things a separating couple must do. There is no easy way to break divorce news to children, although Illinois couples might be interested to know that there are indeed ways to ease the stress divorce might play in their children’s lives. When parents focus their attention on their children and making sure they are physically and emotionally well, the life changes divorce causes may be minimal.

Collaborative divorce or mediation might be a good way to move forward for some couples. These family law options may go a long way to protect children both during and after divorce. Both these modalities take a non-combative approach to divorce.

One of the main things experts say not to do when telling children about divorce is to share too many details. Children don’t need to know the personal reasons why their parents will no longer be married to each other. What they do need to know is that they will be loved and supported by both parents and that they are not the reason their parents are getting divorced.

An Illinois attorney may be able to help a client to understand the divorce process and provide alternatives to litigation. When parents can move through their divorce with the least amount of anxiety and stress, their children will benefit from that as well. Preparing for divorce is crucial moving forward and a lawyer can help his or her client to do that.
