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How to avoid high-conflict custody cases

On Behalf of | Aug 15, 2022 | Child Custody |

Intense emotions, physical aggression or lack of proper communication may spark serious conflicts between parents. If an amicable solution is not found, it may result in a high-conflict custody case. It isn’t pleasant because neither the parents nor the children benefit. Resolving high conflict cases involving child custody consumes much energy and time. Here are ways that can help in negotiating and reducing high-conflict custody cases.

Watch your behavior and be ready to compromise sometimes

In a heated argument, one party may lose control, make some utterances and act in a manner likely to destroy the good relationship they had with their partner and kids. Be as calm and positive as possible and put your differences aside for parenting’s sake. The kids do not have to overhear the hostile conversations and probably resent parents in the future.

Consider mediation

No matter the differences and the intensity of the conflict, mediation is always recommended for parents who wish to end their marriage on amicable terms. In a mediated environment, a couple can be able to focus on developing a strategy and constructive way to take care of the children even if they are not together anymore. This way, the situation will be controlled, and there will be no need for the complex litigation court process to try to solve the child custody disputes.

Come up with a well-written parenting plan

A properly written parenting plan helps keep parents in check and serves as a daily reminder of their obligation to the children. Well-written rules makes it clear to both parties’ the parenting roles and duties each has to play, so there will not be misunderstandings and faults later on. Minimizing occurrences of arguments between couples will make co-parenting easier.

Implement proper communication

Conflicts that later lead to divorce and separation among many couples result from lack of proper communication. If there is no transparency or positive communication between parents, the kids may be exposed to a hostile home environment. The increasing advancement in technology has resulted in the development of applications and social media programs designed to help parents communicate effectively and positively.

Work with a parenting coordinator

When communication may seem futile, consider appointing a parenting coordinator as a third party and an alternative in dispute resolution. They are mental health professionals who help parents cooperate and make the best decisions regarding parenting. The coordinator may meet with the conflicting parents individually or even both at the same time to try and make them work together for the children’s sake.

