Protecting Your Family And Future

Help With Enforcement Of Orders

Last updated on October 31, 2022

If your ex fails to comply with a child custody, parenting time or child support order in Illinois, you have legal options. However, retaliating against your ex isn’t one of them. Before you take any action, it’s important to discuss your situation with an experienced lawyer.

The attorneys at the Blacha Law Office help parents in Naperville, Joliet and the surrounding areas with enforcement of child custody, visitation and child support orders. We also defend parents when the alleged violations are not willful. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case.

What Can I Do If My Ex Isn’t Complying With A Court Order?

In Illinois, your ex can face severe consequences for failing to comply with a court order. If the court finds that the violation is willful, it can find your ex in contempt of court. Your ex may face sanctions such as jail time if he or she does not comply. The court can also order your ex to pay your legal expenses.

You should not try to take matters into your own hands, however. Retaliating against your ex could lead to sanctions against you. Examples of things you shouldn’t include:

  • Withholding visitation until an ex catches up on child support payments
  • Threatening or harassing your ex
  • Failing to return a child after visitation

Are There Defenses To Failing To Follow A Support Or Visitation Order?

To find you in contempt, the violation must be willful. You may have a reason for failing to comply with the order. For example, if you lose your job, you may be unable to pay the same amount of child support.

If your circumstances change and you need to change a divorce order, it’s important to obtain a court-ordered modification. Oral agreements with your ex are not enforceable.

For Help With Enforcement Of Custody And Parenting Time

For more information about enforcement of family court orders, call 630-283-1987 or email the firm. We have offices conveniently located in Naperville and Joliet, and we serve clients in DuPage, Will, Cook, Kane and Kendall counties. We are also fluent in Polish.