Protecting Your Family And Future

Cost-Effective Options From A Premier Firm

Blacha Law Office, has developed a reputation for highly effective, highly respected service across Illinois. That service, however, does not come cheaply. We put in the hours. We make a difference for our clients. However, if you’re worried about the cost of your representation, we have another option.

Our lawyers offer a limited scope of practice for people who want the benefits of our skills but may not be able to afford our total representation. We understand hiring an attorney is often expensive, but with our limited scope of practice, we can assist you at a significant discount.

What Is Included In Your Limited-Scope Practice?

We offer limited-scope options for clients in many family law areas. One primary benefit we offer is a one-on-one half-hour to an hourlong session with an attorney to help you strategize as you represent yourself. In addition, we can:

  • Draft documents to begin a divorce or family matter
  • Draft marital settlement agreements
  • Draft parental allocation judgments
  • Draft Petitions for Rule to Show Cause/indirect civil contempt
  • Draft petitions to enforce judgments
  • Draft qualified domestic relation orders (QDROs)
  • Draft Petitions for Dissolution
  • Draft petitions for parentage
  • Draft responses to petitions filed by the other side.

We also offer our insight into the review process for documents drawn up by other attorneys, such as:

  • Prenuptial agreements
  • Postnuptial agreements
  • Marital settlements
  • Parental allocations

In this way, even though we do not directly represent you, you can benefit from our experience and service.

Is Our Limited Scope Right For Your Situation?

You will only know if our services will work for you by calling our office or sending us an email. We will be happy to explain all the benefits of working with our firm and guide you toward the right decision for you.

Contact our office at 630-283-1987 to schedule a meeting or ask questions about our limited-scope practice.